Overview Photo Gallery Enrollment Call Us
  • IPC Status

  • Hours of Operation

  • Ages

    2 to 12

  • Amenities

    * Preschool Program
    * Courses program
    * After school program

  • Established

    1 January, 2015

Raise Right Academy

Our vision is shaping our kids future, have a recognized impact on society evolvement and begin the focus of attention in kids’ development areas.
We have the preschool for kids from2 to 5 we build their characters and develop their 7 areas of skills through our own curriculums.
And we have also character building course for ages 5 to 7 and the English course from 4 to 12.
We will launch w new service soon in our new branch (After school Program) for kids from 4 to 8 it will help them with their homework, courses and sports.

Phone Number: 01011461991
Address: Egypt – Tanta – Botros street / Villa Sedky

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RaiseRightAcademy/

Additional Social Media Links:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raiserightacademy?igsh=MXZuNGQxbDI1dGM5aw==
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@raiserightacademy?_t=ZS-8t5hmXmfZYo&_r=1

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