6m to 10 years
Our Program:
Daycare | 06 months to 03 years |
Play | 03 years to 04 years |
Pre-K | 04 years to 05 years |
KG | 05 years to 06 years |
STD (I-V) | 06 years to above |
Co-curricular Activities:
In addition t the extensive set of academic courses, we offer a diverse range of co-curricular activities.
Health care
All students of Kids Campus will be checked regularly by a special doctor in presence of parents.
Our mission is to provide outstanding care to the children while developing each child’s personal, social,
academic and creative skills.
Infrastructure Facilities
Our Campus:
The facilities that KIDS CAMPUS is committed to ensure are second to none undoubtedly. Our campus is
Specially designed for Preschool where 60% of land is occupied by the building and the rest 40% is for
Outdoor play area. The iconic setup comprises of small learning communities with outdoor learning and
fun zone rather than traditional four walled classrooms so that each child moves freely and securely.
The infrastructure aims at balancing academic and non-academic development of a child.
Our classroom dimension is limited to 20 children and each of them is designed uniquely for our
Specialized program to ensure that our student can gets the best facilities and freedom which we deem
are vital to bring ease in learning.
Each classroom includes:
Indoor Theme Park:
We have the largest school theme park in Bangladesh. A total area of 1200sft is dedicated for the indoor park which consists of following activities:
Outdoor Park:
KIDS CAMPUShas adequate open-air apace where the children will receive the aroma of green nature and get the feel of rain and sun.
Some Activities are:
Phone Number(s): +8801707079651, +8801707079652