3 years to 6 years
Marvels Child Care Center is a full-service child care facility that cares for kids from 3 years to 6 years which provide the following services to your child:
Teach educational or training programs and daily living skills or behaviors.
Read to children and teach them painting, drawing, handicrafts, and songs.
Create developmentally appropriate lesson plans.
Instruct children in health and personal habits, such as eating, resting and teaching health or hygiene practices.
Discipline children and recommend or initiate other measures to control behavior, such as caring for own clothing and picking up toys and books.
Maintain a safe play environment.
Arrange childcare or educational settings to ensure physical safety of children. Observe and monitor children’s play activities.
Communicate with children’s parents about daily activities, behaviors, and related issues.
Discuss child development and behavior with parents.
Support children’s emotional and social development, encouraging understanding of others and positive self-concepts.
Identify signs of emotional or developmental problems in children and bring them to parents’ attention.
Phone Number : 00966582522474
Address : Ash Shulah District , Dammam 34261